2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Springfield Estates Elementary School

Region 6

April Martin, Principal


Language Arts 

Outcome:  Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Language Arts.

Goal: By the end of SY 23-24, 34% of students who are English Learners, Grades 1-3, will meet grade-level expectations on the iReady. This would be a 10% increase from our 24% from the 22-23 SY.

Strategy 1: Improve use of interactive read alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students' lived experiences.

Strategy 2: Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block.

Strategy 3: Expand use of conversation structures to increase academic talk and build relationships among students.



Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.

Goal: By the end of SY 23-24, 45% of students who are English Learners, Grades 1-6, will meet grade-level expectations on the iReady. This would be a 10% increase from the 22-23 SY. 

Strategy 1: Use conversation structures to increase academic talk between students.

Strategy 2: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 3: Increase teachers implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.


Social Emotional Learning  

Outcome: Ensure students make gains in relationship skills and self-management skills by creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive school environment.

Goal: By the end of SY 23-24, our school will effectively utilize Tier 1 Behavior & Wellness practices to build relationships & teach self-management subskills by creating a culturally responsive environment, increasing schoolwide scores on the self-management domain of the SEL Screener by 5% from 50 to 55 percent favorable.

Strategy 1: Learning Readiness: Nurture students’ sense of belonging by implementing explicit relationship-building structures such as Morning Meeting and Responsive Advisory, and integrating CASEL 3 signature practices into core instruction.

Strategy 2: Effectively manage Tier 1 behavior through both preventive measures and intervention measures.

Strategy 3: Continue to promote common school wide understanding (to be known as S.O.A.R.*), language, and procedures for Tier 1 Behavior & Wellness. 

*S.O.A.R is an acronym that ties in with our school mascot/motto that focuses on key values we want to develop in students (Together we SOAR: Supportive, Optimistic, Accepting, Responsible).